I arrived at ten past nine and Terry and Kweon were there already drinking and playing a card game. I joined in. The game they were engaged in entailed absolutely no usage of the brain. The rules:
Each person goes around, counting from 1-#. The cards are divided into the # of players, in this case, 4 people. The players go around placing their cards in the middle. If the card coincides the number you count, then everyone must try to slap the pile of cards. The last person to slap must take the cards. The first person to have no cards left wins.
We switched to circle of death after Carlos arrived. Playing that game gets one drunk fast. We were all pretty drunk after one round of that game. Jootsie, Smoonie, and her boyfriend showed up a little after that with their Malaysian mahjong set. I know how to play Vietnamese style mahjong, and thought that Malaysian would be the same, but in this version, half of the tiles are missing, and along with the flower tiles, there are animals & humans ones as well. To win, you must have four sets of 3--either three of a kind or a three number straight--and a pair. Beginners luck for me, I won the first round. Following this spectacular game, we engaged in truth or dare. As always, sexual topics are inevitable. We ended the night with a dare, where we all had to participate. You suck a playing card in with your breath, and pass it to the next person and they suck in their air, trying to keep the card above ground. After one full circle, it ends. Of course, because our lungs aren't that strong, the card fell multiple times on the switch. I left at around 2:30 AM. Hope your new days as being single goes well Judy!!
Slept at Steve Tran's apartment dorm at around 5:30. It was nice catching up and what not. This morning I awoke at 9:30 and headed to the metra soon after that. On the way to the train, a stand on Roosevelt caught my eye. It was a food stand!! Oh My Lord, a food stand on the street in CHICAGO!?? It reminded me so much of Viet Nam, but they were selling Mexican food. Of course, I had to purchase something, just to relive that feeling of buying some street food. It didn't exactly feel the same though because snow was falling from the sky. That somewhat changes the level of enjoyment of eating street food. Too cold!
Well, that sums up my weekend.
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I finally started a new blog!
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