Two years prior, my three cousins and I jumped into a Dodge Neon and hit the road for a Canada, East Coast tour. As many folks know, driving in New York City is not the brightest idea. This proved true for us. Lost for over two hours, and stripped from our wallets, 28$ from toll bridges, we arrived in Chinatown close to midnight. The Chinese food was mediocre at most and extremely expensive. Disappointed with our meal, we set out to find a hostel at close to 1 AM. No luck with the hostel, we went to this shady border town in New Jersey, where the office of the motel had bullet proof glass. That tells one something. Of course, it might not be New York City's fault, but rather our inept ability to plan our travels.
This time around, I hope to see all the well known sights and entice the nightlife there. From the Statue of Liberty to Central Park. Bagels, New York style pizza; all the good stuff. March might be my best month since December in Vịêt Nam.
Until next time.
Trần Qúy-Hạc.
1 comment:
awww sounds like fun! I love NYC.
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