This whole summer, i have yet to really indulge in photography, abandoning my new fujifilm camera much too often. yesterday, i decided to utilize my fuji and capture what Chicago has to offer. unfortunately, i did not take many pictures at all. During this photography venture I engaged in, alongside my buddy Kenny, we unconsciously recorded, through the digital camera, the more well known, touristy hubs of Chicago. Initially, I preferred to wander into the more ethnic neighborhoods, such as Pilsen [Mexican area], Devon [Indian/Pakistan area], and Uptown [African/southeast Asian area], but alas, that plan fell through.
On this day, I myself felt like a tourist in the city which I consider home. Walking down Michigan Ave., it was quite difficult to not notice the affluence in economics between the dwellers of this city. Gucci, Prada, Armani were filled with the high class 'Hearst' type of people. I once decided to enter an Armani clothing store and was flabbergasted by the ridiculously inflated prices. "Made in Bangladesh" printed on the tag. How much to make, how much profit Armani gains? I feel that to many outside of this city, Chicago is this. Chicago is the Michigan Ave., the Millennium Park, the Sears Tower, the upward mobile landmarks, the high class life. Individuals parking their beautiful BMWs alongside their tree-lined brownstone homes several blocks away from the richness of downtown. Other than this societal observation, the physicality of the landmarks hold a different story.


bia ba ba.
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