Attending university here in Chicago, riding the CTA "EL" is part of my daily routine. There are eight lines within Chicago, taking commuters from primarily north to south, and a little bit westward. The trains are divided into four to six carts--metal, boxy, rusty ones. Entering any line, one will notice the design resembles some 1970's film, where velour-like padding clothes the seats. Comfortable as the seats may be, I find it somewhat hideous, especially after riding other Metros. The CTA is extremely ear-splitting, as its rails are constructed of steel and wood, creating an unbearable, screeching noise on every turn and brake. And the train brakes often, too often. On several of the carts, one gets the feeling of simply sitting in a hollow tin can of some sort. When halted, the cart feels so empty and if one were to speak, an echo would follow. I've often compared it to one of those cheap Geo Metro cars; simply a protective case hugging the insides. What were to happen if that Geo Metro get in an accident? What were to happen if the CTA "EL" fall off the rail?
Unlike many other Metros I have ridden on, Chicago's lacks the technological advancements. There are no flashing, moving lighted text, signifying the next stop, but rather, a plastic sign, which more than not gets ripped off in a thiefs' attempt to collect each lines' maps. The voice of the conductor blares on the overhead intercom, announcing the next stop. An automated voice announces any delays. But one thing that surprised me greatly was that on few carts there are electrical outlets. Not until recently did I realize such a phenomenon where I witnessed a woman charging her cellphone on the Brown-Line. I may be a little too critical of the CTA "EL" since I have been riding it for over two years now, but its the reality when putting the "EL" into perspective.
As for the masses that ride the "EL", each line seems to represent a particular race or class. As Chicago is quite segregated; beyond belief, one will witness at certain stops, a particular class or race exits the train. One such example is the Red-Line. After the Roosevelt stop, there are virtually no Caucasian folks on the train; mostly African-Americans and Asians. That changes though when there is a Chicago White Sox game--white folks will venture into a dangerous area past Roosevelt to root root root for their home team. On the topic of individuals, there is not much interaction between commuters on the "EL". I have had some "EL" crushes--any cute person you see on the "EL" more than once--but of course due to the fact that no one speaks, I remain silent.
I have more than not pointed out the negative things about Chicago's Metro, but there are not many positive things I have got to mention. One thing I enjoy though is the diversity on the trains, even if the stops are segregated. One will see a rich white man sitting next to a recent immigrant from Ghana. Another interesting aspect of Chicago's Metro is the fact that is it both above and underground, unlike other Metros. One gets to enjoy both the scenery of Chicago while riding near the loop or the true subway experience. Just the fact that the CTA "EL" exists, I am grateful. Some cities do not even have Metros. I find that so terribly sad. But of course, after riding other Metros around the globe and domestically, Chicago's CTA "EL" needs to be updated and refreshed. Despite these complaints, I'll still be riding the lines I ride everyday.
Until next time.
Tran, Quy-Hac.
Chicago is a very divided city.
The CTA network is very old.
Some of these lines date back to 1906.
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