Accepted into the DePaul study abroad program recently, this August, I'll be flying not exactly half way around the globe, but close to it, to Budapest, Hungary. The sights, sounds, and smell of Eastern Europe are things that exist in my imagination. What I associate with Hungary is goulash and one extremely confusing language. I am excited though. Strolling down the riverside of the Danube, viewing the beautiful structures lingering above my head, lounging along a streetside cafe, soaking in whatever life there has to offer. In due time, in due time.
In a way, I've attempted to forge this identity of being a globetrotter. Maybe that identity is visible, maybe its not. I can stay in one place for so long, unless present are those I love and enjoy the company of. A friend once said, home is where my suitcase takes me next. Mine brings me to Budapest.
Until next time,
Tran Quy Hac
would that suitcase friend be kim-mai?
hac, best of luck as you venture to hungary in the fall.
ps i called you the other day but some old man picked up and said, no my name is not chris HACK.
yes, it is kim mai. haha, sounds like Chris *loogie in throat*. if i can find a cheap airplane ticket, i wanna visit some of you guys in Cali before i go.
Hey quy hac, are you still planning to drop by Paris before eating goulash??
liem binh, Hac tinh se tham Paris trong thang 12... giang sinh va new years. Ban o Paris a?
U, se o Paris trong thoi gian do! hoanh nghenh Ban den tham Paris
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